Voice Artificial Intelligence

Summer School & Hackathon

Educating & training the future using the B2AI-Voice Dataset

Voice AI Summer School, sponsored by

An interdisciplinary educational experience at the intersection of voice AI and healthcare

Voice data has become increasingly relevant in the development of biomedial tools that can assist with screening, diagnosing and monitoring health and disease. In order to fuel discovery and pioneer research in this field, we need future scientists, physicians, and developers who understand the techincal and ethical complexity of building AI models with voice data. The Voice AI Summer school is the first specialized training program in utilizing voice data for the development of AI models. This exciting program took place at four institutitions nationwide including Oregon Health & Science University, Washington University in St. Louis, the University of South Florida, and Weill Cornell Medicine. Join our listserv to learn about upcoming opportunities.

2024 Hackathon, sponsored by Microsoft

Students and faculty from across the country united at the University of South Florida to compete in a hackathon competition using the B2AI-Voice dataset.

Student Testimonials from the 2024 Summer School

Summer School Student

“This is a great platform to spark innovation in a very new specialized field.”

Summer School Student

“I never experienced AI models before so this was a very new and interesting experience I feel that I learned a lot!”

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